Dear Fellow CII Members,
I write to inform you about nine (9) shareholder resolutions that will be voted at the, Inc. annual shareholder meeting on May 22, 2019. Links to each of the resolutions and proxy memos (where available) are below. Attached is a press release about the resolutions and proponents. Additional information is available here.
1. Item #4 Reduce Food Waste: JLens Network (Proxy Memo)
2. Item #6 Risks of Sales of Facial Recognition Software: Tri-State Coalition for Responsible Investment (Proxy Memo)
3. Item #7 Independent Study of Rekognition: Harrington Investments (Proxy Memo)
4. Item #8 Report on Efforts to Address Hate Speech: Nathan Cummings Foundation
5. Item #9 Independent Board Chair: SumofUs
6. Item #11 Amazon’s Plans for Disruptions Posed by Climate Change: Amazon Employees (Proxy Memo)
7. Item #13 Gender Pay Equity: Arjuna Capita
8. Item #14 Executive Pay-Incorporate Diversity & Sustainability Metrics: Zevin Asset Management
9. Item #15 Majority Vote: Investor Voice
I urge you to vote "For" the above numbered items on management’s proxy card at, Inc. Please contact me if you have any questions.
Thank you,
Aaron Brenner, Ph.D.
UFCW Capital Stewardship Program
+1.917.363.3902 (mobile)