Shareholder Bank Engagement: Getting Banks Aligned with Paris, March 19, 2020 at 12:30pm EST


Please join Climate Safe Lending Network for a webinar aimed at kick-starting increased shareholder engagement with banks regarding the climate risk posed by their lending.  Given the global context – the increasing interest of central banks to assess and address climate risk, and the building momentum of boardroom accountability initiatives at JP Morgan and Barclays  -- now is the time for shareholders to better understand the risks of climate finance and appropriate responses. Click here to register.


Webinar Speakers include:


Many major banks are failing to move quickly to address their climate impact and the risk their lending currently poses. What is the context of growing global advocacy to get banks to take action and 'measure, disclose, and align'? Which banks are leading in US/EU/UK? What is the role shareholders can play in the 2020 season and beyond?


Register at this link

Lisa Lindsley
Director of Investor Engagement
Majority Action