

Hope this finds you well. We think CII members will be interested in reading a recently published report “COVID-19 and the board: A chair’s point of view” authored by Janet Foutty, US Executive Chair of the Board, Deloitte and Duncan Sinclair, Chair, Deloitte Canada and Chile. This perspective examines how the work of boards at this pivotal moment will be a critical factor in an organization’s ability to emerge from the current crisis and push forward into a new era of economic recovery and opportunity for the benefit of all stakeholders.


Here is a link to the publication: https://www2.deloitte.com/us/en/pages/about-deloitte/articles/covid-19-and-the-board-a-chairs-point-of-view.html


Please let me know if you have any questions.




Vidhyaa K

Solution Advisor | Risk and Financial Advisory



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