Dear CII Members,
On May 6, the UN Global Compact launched a comment period for publicly traded Global Compact signatories on the Investor Listing Standards Proposal that was submitted to the World Federation of Exchanges on March 26th for exchange comment. This document was feedback from investors around the world on what they’d like exchanges to do on ESG reporting market-wide (which is the big challenge). The UNGC is going to compile company responses into one master document and submit to the exchanges of the WFE for their consideration as they debate recommendations on ESG/sustainability reporting, which are expected to come out in the fall. Company feedback during this process is very important, as you can imagine. If you are a corporate pension member of CII, please take note below and submit comments. I have been told that non-signatory comments will be forwarded separately to the WFE for its consideration—which is still valuable.  If you are a public pension or asset manager, please encourage companies you work with to submit comments as well. An alternative to submitting comments is having a company weigh in directly with the exchange(s) it is traded on. Deadline is June 27th. Details below.

For any questions, you can contact me or go directly to the source, Sarah Bostwick of the UNGC, at

Tracey Rembert

Financial Markets

Call for Comments: World Federation of Exchanges Proposed Extra-Financial Reporting Requirements

Institutional investors have put forth a proposal to the World Federation of Exchanges (WFE) – a trade association of 62 publicly regulated stock, futures and options exchanges – that would require extra-financial disclosure among companies listed on member exchanges. The Global Compact is gathering business input on the draft proposal to share with the WFE's Sustainability Working Group.

Publicly listed Global Compact business participants are invited to share their opinions on the proposal by 27 June 2014. Please follow the procedure outlined here: 


  1. Read Investor Listing Standards Proposal: Recommendations for Stock Exchange Requirements on Corporate Sustainability Reporting
  2. Review Global Compact feedback form to proposal
  3. Add your comments to the last column of the form for each row.
  4. Convey your comments in one of the following ways:
    1. Submit electronically to
    2. Share during one of two webinars: 27 May at 20:00 or 28 May at 10:00, both NY times)
    3. Provide over the phone – write to to schedule a call
    4. Global Compact LEAD companies only: Comment in person at the meeting on Realizing Long-term Value for Companies & Investors (20 May, Rome)
*Business participants who wish to comment should provide the Global Compact with their ticker symbol(s).

Tracey C. Rembert
Senior Manager of Investor Engagement
99 Chauncy St., 6th FL 
Boston, MA 02111
T: (617) 247-0700 X 106
Cell: (202) 297-4162
Twitter: @TraceyRembert

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