I met last week with Amanda Pullinger and a couple of her colleagues from 100 Women in Hedge Funds.  I wasn’t aware that they have established a database of women suitable to serve on corporate boards and I thought maybe others would like to know about this too.  Amanda provided the information below to share with CII members.  From our perspective, this is helpful to know about so that we can include it in our list of suggested sources for names of women candidates for director roles when companies ask for ideas (or contend that there aren’t any board-ready women out there).    




100 Women in Hedge Funds (“100WHF”) the premier global professional organization of over 12,000 women in the alternatives and investment management industry has created the 100WHF Women Corporate Boards Database, a resource for boards and other interested groups seeking qualified board candidates who have diverse perspectives and experiences.

The 100WHF Women Corporate Boards Database includes our members who currently serve on or have served on corporate boards as well as senior industry executives who hold C-level or strategic positions and are board ready.  

These global professionals serve in hedge fund, private equity, asset management and financial services industries.  Additionally they have subject matter expertise in many other sectors including insurance, banking, consumer, healthcare and technology to name a few.  Their executive titles include CEO, President, Managing Director, CIO, COO, CFO, CTO, CCO, CMO and GC and their functional backgrounds include strategy and management, risk management, portfolio management, sales and marketing, distribution, finance and operations, due diligence, technology, human resources and legal/compliance.  


We would welcome the opportunity to talk with you about current and upcoming board searches and ways to access the 100WHF Women Corporate Boards Database.  

Please contact:
Amanda Pullinger, Chief Executive Officer, 100WHF at amandapullinger@100womeninhedgefunds.org


Michelle Edkins

Managing Director | BlackRock

Phone: +1.415.670.6541 | Mobile: +1.415.816.6455


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