Dear CII Members,


ICCR cordially invites you to join experts in corporate climate lobbying for a discussion about company lobbying practices that positively support climate policy, align with corporate climate commitments, and that address greenwashing and trade associations’ negative climate influence.  




This investor-focused discussion will review a recent history of engagement with companies on corporate policy influence to help achieve—or delay—the Paris Agreement, and the lessons learned from those actions that contribute to real-world emissions-reducing impact. This ICCR-hosted event will review the uptake and state-of-play of the 2022-launched Global Standard for Responsible Climate Lobbying, while discussing with investor leads the Paris-aligned lobbying engagements they have initiated across a half-dozen industries in the US and abroad. Investors will discuss the pitfalls of some investor asks, gaps in action and disclosure by companies, where progress is being made, and case studies of leading practices on Paris Alignment.

Featured Speakers include: 

  • Laura Hillis, Director, Climate and Environment, The Church of England Pensions Board
  • Adam Kanzer, Head of Stewardship—Americas, BNP Paribas Asset Management
  • Dr. Rory Sullivan, CEO, Chronos Sustainability
  • Laura Devenney, Senior ESG Analyst, Boston Trust Walden


  • Tracey Rembert, Associate Director of Climate and Environmental Justice, ICCR
  • Paul Hodgson, Freelance Editor, Writer and Researcher




To attend this free event, please register here


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Tracey C. Rembert

Associate Director, Climate Change & Environmental Justice, ICCR

Office: 212-870-2299

Mobile: 202-297-4162


Interfaith Center on Corporate Responsibility

475 Riverside Drive, Suite 1842

New York, NY 10115-0050 /

Follow us on Facebook and on Twitter @ICCRonline  and @climatelobbying


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