Systems Level Stewardship and Investing Panel
CII Members,
We look forward to seeing many of you at a panel discussion hosted by Franklin Templeton titled, "System-Level Stewardship: The Case for Asset Managers and Diversified Portfolios".
When: 1700-1745hrs ET, Tuesday March 7th.
Where: Gallery A
Join Jon Lukomnik (Managing Partner, Sinclair Capital),
Sara Murphy (Chief Strategy Officer, The Shareholder Commons),
Will Goodwin (Founder, Tumelo) & Piers Hugh Smith (Investment Stewardship, Franklin Templeton) to discuss:
- What is system-level stewardship and does this change how investors act as fiduciaries and stewards of capital?
- Why should investors take systemic and systematic risk into account and why is stewardship the critical tool for addressing these issues?
The panel will be a 45minute session, with time for audience questions at the end and a prompt finish before the CII Cocktail Reception in the Grand Foyer.
We look forward to welcoming you in the session tomorrow.
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