Dear Fellow CII Members,
We are writing to urge you to vote AGAINST JPMorgan Chase & Company (JPM) Director and Audit Committee Chairman Timothy P. Flynn (Item 1g) at the company’s annual meeting on May 16. Director Flynn bears primary responsibility for the Audit Committee’s failure to identify a glaring potential conflict of interest in the hiring of PricewaterhouseCoopers (PWC) to perform JPM’s racial equity audit in 2022. The racial equity audit stemmed from our shareholder proposal which received 40.5% support in 2021. PWC has been JPM’s independent financial auditor for 58 years and earned more than $1 billion in fees from JPM over the past decade. Director Flynn failed to properly apply JPM’s policies by classifying the racial equity audit as an “audit related expense” and then appears to have abdicated oversight of this audit to the Public Responsibility Committee. A vote AGAINST is warranted for the following reasons.
For further reference, please see our shareholder letter, available here. Agenda also recently published an article regarding our concerns, which is available here. If you have any questions or would like to discuss, please let us know.
Cynthia Simon
ESG Analyst & Engagement Specialist | SOC Investment
Mobile: +1
(917) 254-1776 | @socinvgrp