This year, Amphenol’s proxy statement does not disclose the name of the shareholder proposal filer. According to the proxy statement, here is how to get this information:


A stockholder has given the Company notice of the intent to introduce the following proposal for consideration and action by the stockholders at the Annual Meeting.

The stockholder proposal may contain assertions about the Company that the Company believes are incorrect. The Board has not attempted to refute all assertions and the Company has not corrected any errors in the stockholder proposal. The Company will provide the address and share ownership of the stockholder proponent upon request.


In case you do not have the resources to search for information regarding where to submit such an inquiry (or to whom), please find below the information obtained from a company representative:


If you are referring to the shareholder proposal on improving Political Spending Disclosures, that proposal is from John Chevedden.







Executive Director of Corporate Governance

Office of New York City Comptroller Brad Lander, Bureau of Asset Management

1 Centre Street, 8th Floor North, New York, NY 10007

Office: 212-669-2516  |  Email: