We are pleased to invite you to our panel at the Council of Institutional Investors (CII) Conference
on Tuesday, September 12th at 4:30pm, at The Westin Long Beach.
In recent years, human capital has become an increasingly important piece of the investment puzzle.
The need for innovation amid rising costs makes this an opportune time to rethink human capital drivers.
We believe that strong human capital management generates value, and that an improved understanding
of the underlying drivers of HCM would serve a spectrum of stakeholders. However, when it comes to valuing human capital, investors have not had a clear methodology to evaluate whether companies are achieving a ‘return on people’. Schroders, CalPERS and Oxford
have collaborated on a proprietary new framework to enable an understanding of human capital through a quantitative lens.
In this panel, we’ll discuss how asset owners and asset managers can dig deeper into human capital and
incorporate their understanding into pre- and post-investment decision making. Speakers from Schroders and potentially other organizations with diverse perspectives will share their experiences engaging on this issue.
We hope you will join us.
All the best,
Schroders Sustainability Team