Dear All, we hope you can join us for this session on the 12th. Many of you may have seen this week's announcement about the emerging Taskforce on Inequality and Social-related Financial Disclosures (TISFD). We will discuss this and other topics and resources for investors to measure and manage inequality-relating risks, such as those under development at Oxfam. We're delighted that Rodrigo Garcia, now Global CFO and U.S. President at Talipot Holdings, and Former Deputy State Treasurer & CIO, Office of the Illinois State Treasurer, will also be joining us to share his reflections on this topic. More info and a registration link is below. We hope to see you there!

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CII Member-Hosted Meeting:
Measuring and Managing Companies’ and Investors’ Contributions to Inequality

Investors are increasingly understanding that persistent and rising inequality is a threat to the health of human and natural systems upon which their diversified portfolios depend. Yet tools to measure and manage this risk are lacking. In 2021, globally the richest 10% owned 60-80% of wealth, while the poorest half owned less than 5%. While income inequality has declined among countries since the 1980s, it has increased within countries, especially within advanced economies such as the U.S. Beyond income disparities, narrow ownership of assets – from equities to real estate – is exacerbating wealth gaps. Worldwide, concerns are growing over unaffordable energy prices, home prices, and the costs of living in the face of war, a transition to a cleaner economy, and in the aftermath of the pandemic. Capital is flowing to larger companies and fund managers versus smaller firms. As a result of these dynamics, societies globally are experiencing lower social mobility, greater economic instability, polarization and rising tensions. Socio-economic inequality is even a driving force behind anti-ESG rhetoric, which amplifies concerns that elite executives and investors have stronger societal influence than the typical person. 
This interactive session will support investors in understanding the system-level risk of inequality and other social risks. New and emerging tools to measure and manage such risks and pursue opportunities will be shared. Participants will learn about Oxfam’s new metric to assess inequality in companies, as well as hear updates on the emerging Taskforce on Inequality and Social-related Financial Disclosures (TISFD). This conversation will touch on opportunities for workers to build wealth, but also explore other market dynamics which contribute to inequality, such as where capital flows and how it is structured. Ample time will be set aside for participants to engage in Q&A and share reflections, which can support the further refinement of resources for investors.

Speakers will include:

  • Sharmeen Contractor, Lead Senior Advisor for Investor Engagement, Oxfam
  • Rodrigo Garcia, Talipot Holdings Global CFO and U.S. President, and Former Deputy State Treasurer & CIO, Office of the Illinois State Treasurer
  • Delilah Rothenberg, Co-Founder & Executive Director, Predistribution Initiative (PDI)

September 12, 2023

Location: The Westin Long Beach
Barcelona/Casablanca Room (3rd Floor)
Long Beach, CA

Time: 3:15 - 4:00 PM EST


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Delilah Rothenberg 

Co-founder & Executive Director, Predistribution Initiative (PDI)

Member, Informal Working Group, Taskforce on Inequality and Social-related Financial Disclosures (TISFD)


Phone: +1 (917) 991-9982

PDI LinkedIn:

PDI X: @PDI_views

TISFD LinkedIn: