Dear fellow CII members,

You are invited to a webinar launching the new edition of Majority Action's Equity in the Boardroom report, reviewing asset manager voting on racial equity issues in 2023 and highlighting key votes in 2024. 

We'd love to have you there! You may register using the link below and please reach out ( to us with any questions. 
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Dear fellow CII members,

We are pleased to invite you to our upcoming webinar – Equity in the Boardroom: Proxy Voting to Advance Racial Equity, Democracy, and a Thriving Economy for All  – on Thursday, February 29th @ 2 PM EST / 1 PM CST / 11 AM PST / 7 PM GMT. During the webinar, we will share the key findings from our 4th annual edition of Equity in the Boardroom, a report that analyzes the proxy voting performance of the largest global asset managers on racial equity audit (REA) proposals and racial justice proxy votes. Join us as we hear from esteemed panelists regarding how investors are advancing racial equity and what investors can do during the 2024 proxy season to this end. 

Panel speakers:

  • Alphonso Mayfield, President of SEIU Florida Public Services Union

  • Hyewon Han, Director of Shareholder Advocacy at Trillium Asset Management

  • Karen Kerschke, Deputy Director of Corporate Governance and Sustainable Investment at Office of the Illinois State Treasurer

  • Monique Aiken, Managing Director at The Investment Integration Project



In 2023, shareholders continued to back proposals advancing racial justice. However, as the forthcoming report from Majority Action details, the four largest asset managers — BlackRock, Vanguard, Fidelity, and State Street — significantly lagged behind their peers in regards to their support for REA proposals during the 2023 proxy season, undermining these and other critical votes on topics related to racial equity and justice. 

With the 2024 proxy season rapidly approaching, Equity in the Boardroom lays out the fiduciary case for investor action on racial justice, evaluates the 2023 proxy voting records of the largest asset managers, and provides a roadmap for asset owners, proxy advisors, and managers alike to ensure their stewardship policies and practices are meeting these critical challenges. 

Please join Majority Action and guest speakers from the Illinois State Treasurer’s Office, Service Employees International Union, Trillium Asset Management, and The Investment Integration Project for a webinar on Thursday, February 29th @ 2 PM ET to discuss the report’s key findings, how investors are advancing racial equity, and what investors can do during the 2024 proxy season to this end.
Please email if you have any questions or would like to schedule a meeting with Majority Action about our forthcoming report. Thank you and we hope to connect with you at the webinar on February 29th!

Best regards,
Majority Action
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