Dear CII Member:
If you are one of the many who have already responded to ISS' 2016 Policy Survey, thank you for your input. We very much appreciate your participation in our policy process.
If you have not yet responded, we hope you will take the time to complete the survey, which will remain open through this
Friday, September 4, at 5pm ET. It is available at:
As a reminder, ISS collects market feedback on emerging governance issues as part of its uniquely transparent process for updating our benchmark proxy voting policies. Our annual Policy Survey is an important source of broad-based input about the topics that
matter to investors and all financial market participants. Your survey responses are a critical starting point for voting policy development.
Throughout the policy formulation process, we place a strong emphasis on proactive outreach, broad-based input, effective communication, thoughtful policy application and sound decision-making. ISS is committed to advancing the corporate governance dialogue
and to achieving a higher level of understanding and collaboration between investors and the companies in which they invest.
More information on the policy development process, including survey results, and draft and final policy updates, will all be made available via the ISS Policy Gateway at:
Please do not hesitate to contact me, should you have any questions.
Subodh Mishra Executive Director, Communications ISS | Institutional Shareholder Services o: +1.301.556.0304 702 King Farm Blvd. Rockville, MD 20850 |