The Bakken Shale has been one of the most prolific oil basins in the United States. Many investors have invested in it through infrastructure, private equity funds or their equity portfolios. The Bakken has made headlines through the unique issues that are present there--flaring, lack of infrastructure, rail cars used for takeaway of oil, worker safety issues, and spills. LIUNA is at the forefront of these issues : advocating how to safely and responsibly build the needed pipeline infrastructure in the Bakken to reduce the need to flare, get oil out of rail cars, and raise environmental and labor standards in the industry.
This CII session will offer investors unique insight from those on the ground in the Bakken regarding both the investment risks and rewards of putting your money into pipeline infrastructure in the Bakken.
When: October 1, 2015 4:30-5:50
Where: Staffordshire Room