01 May 2017 11:34 EDT |
PICO - Lawndale Capital Management Announces Voting Intent on PICO Holdings' 2017 Proposals |
Andrew Shapiro |
04 May 2017 09:07 EDT |
CalSTRS Diversity Proposal at Hudson Pacific Properties - Please vote "FOR" |
Mary Morris |
04 May 2017 09:09 EDT |
Proxy Memo-Occidental Petroleum Item 5 |
Abel, Nicholas |
04 May 2017 16:38 EDT |
New EY white paper: Looking behind the declining number of public companies |
Jamie C Smith |
08 May 2017 13:31 EDT |
Occidental Petroleum Corp. (OXY) – Vote "FOR" Proposal #5 on Climate Change Reporting |
Mattley, Todd |
09 May 2017 17:34 EDT |
OECD Guidelines for Responsible Investment: New Drivers for E&S Company Analysis |
Subodh Mishra |
16 May 2017 08:39 EDT |
Seeking support for shareholder proposal at Blackrock |
Rosanna Landis Weaver |
17 May 2017 13:29 EDT |
WG - Lawndale Announces Voting Intent on Willbros Group's 2017 Proposals |
Andrew Shapiro |
17 May 2017 15:11 EDT |
Continued momentum & upcoming votes on Two Degrees Resolutions |
Shanna Cleveland |
17 May 2017 16:07 EDT |
Pay & Performance Misalignment at Southern Company |
Laura S. Campos |
18 May 2017 19:13 EDT |
Texas Bill Broadly Targets Activist Investors, Advisors or any CII investor coming close to active engagement |
Andrew Shapiro |
23 May 2017 15:25 EDT |
WG - All Willbros Group Proxy Proposals Obtain ISS and Glass Lewis Support |
Andrew Shapiro |
25 May 2017 10:35 EDT |
ExxonMobil Corp. (XOM) – Vote "For" Proposal #12 on Climate Change Reporting |
Mattley, Todd |
25 May 2017 16:41 EDT |
Tesla Inc. Vote "FOR" Proposal #5 on Board Declassification |
Bartol, Pamela |
26 May 2017 14:42 EDT |
Invitation to June 12 webinar with CalPERS & Ceres on the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) recommendations |
Kirsten Spalding |
30 May 2017 10:11 EDT |
Vote FOR Proposal #10 to Adopt a Majority Vote Standard for Director Elections at Netflix, Inc. |
Brady Gordon |
31 May 2017 11:36 EDT |
Netflix Inc. (NFLX) – Vote "FOR" Proposal #5 (Proxy Access) and Proposal #10 (Majority Vote for Director Elections) |
Mattley, Todd |
31 May 2017 13:18 EDT |
Pension Fund Group to Mylan NV Shareowners: "Vote No" on 6 Directors and MSOP at 6/22 AGM |
Garland, Michael |